VIALAB is heading to Benin 🇧🇯
The Sogea-Satom Benin teams call on Vincent HESRY and Antonin RICHARD to complete their mastery of bitumen emulsions 👍 The theoretical part is over, now it is time for the training in the lab and the management of an industrial site 😉
The Sogea-Satom Benin teams show remarkable will and curiosity. Among the topics we were able to discuss together:
- How to adapt our impregnation emulsion formula for a floor as closed as ours?
- Laterite floors are well known to be particularly dense. The emulsion for impregnation must be especially formulated to adapt to these conditions. A reduced binder content, a sufficient flux content and a suitable emulsifier are all necessary conditions for the production of a slow-setting fluid emulsion.
- How to check the quality of our bitumens?
- The best way is to regularly control your bitumens in the lab. With simple tests, you can easily verify that your bitumen has good viscoelastic behavior without suspicious mass losses. Finally, producing emulsion samples in the laboratory and characterizing them after several days is an effective way to be certain about the quality of your ingredients.
- How to increase the viscosity of our ECR 65 formula while respecting the specifications of the EN 13808 standard?
- To increase the viscosity of the emulsion, the binder content can be increased slightly, taking care to respect the specifications of the site in terms of spreading rate. The emulsifier content could also be optimized. Nevertheless, bitumen emulsions are an area of compromise: these changes need to be fully investigated to determine their effects on other emulsion properties, such as sieve residue, viscosity, l rupture index or even stability.
The VIALAB training content complements the already significant experience of Sogea-Satom Benin. Then, we visit a mixing plant and an emulsion production unit to end the training program 🇧🇯
The site is perfectly managed by B. Habib C. ABIOGBA : « Everyone of us knows its role at any time, and we all know what our machines usually sound like. If something is off, we know it immediatly » 🔉
That concludes the training session for this team, which now has all the elements to master the formulation, production and application of bitumen emulsions 🙌