Determination of the binder-aggregate adhesivity by measurement of Vialit cohesion.
Determination of the binder-aggregate adhesiveness and the influence of adhesiveness dopes or interface dopes on the characteristics of this adhesiveness. This European Standard defines the methods for determining:
- The overall adhesiveness of the binder to the aggregate surface
- The active adhesiveness of the binder on gravel
- The improvement of the overall adhesiveness and the active adhesiveness by the addition of a dope of adhesiveness is integrated in the mass of the binder or at the binding-gravel interface
- The wettability temperature of the granulate by the binder
- The variation of adhesiveness below the brittle limit temperature.
This test method is suitable for all hydrocarbon binders used for surface coatings, fluxed or fluidized bitumens, based on pure or polymer-modified bitumens, or pure or polymer-modified bitumen emulsions and all types of aggregates. used for surface coatings of the following granulometry: series 1: 2 / 5mm, 5 / 8mm, 8/11 mm and 11 / 16mm; Series 2: 2 / 6mm, 4 / 6mm, 6 / 10mm and 10 / 14mm.
EN 12272-3